Dogs 3 Months & Up  (some breeds required to   be older then others)
No biting / no jumping 
Commands (on leash)
Sit / Stay
Down / Stay
Crate (Go to bed/room/cage)

Basic Obedience
On  Leash Obedience At Its Finest !
What type of training methods do you use?

K9 Enforcement uses a cutting edge approach to dog training and behavioral modifcation. Our training approach encompasses a number of different training tools and approaches depending on the unique circumstances presented by our clients and their animals. At the core of the K9 Enforcement method is Attention-Based Training and Command Performence. This broad approach to training allows K9 Enforcement trainers to use a variety of attention based tools (leashes, collars, food, toys and notably our K9 Enforcement Collar) to achieve the goal of attention to command around distractions to suit the situation. 

The K9 Enforcement mission statement states: 

"Our Mission is to provide dog training programs that result in a happy, confident, and obedient dog, as well as a happy, confident and satisfied owner."

The Program is as following :

1. You bring us the dog
2. We train the dog for you 
3. You come and watch the demonstration.
4. We train you on how to HANDLE your dog .

The advantages are that it is faster then inhome training and also if your paying someone to do a job THEY should do it not YOU.
It is crazy to train a person who has never rode a horse to ride a horse who has never had a rider. It is better to first train the horse then it's easier for the rider to learn.

Prices are subject to change if  :

1. Dog is antisocial
2. Dog is aggressive (dogs are humans)
3. Dog has fear issues,bad nerves,emotional issues

The following breeds are also subject to a price change :

1. English bulldog
2. French Bulldog
3. Chow Chow
4. Miniture Pincher
5. Adult Mastiffs
6. Neomastiffs
7. Cocker Spaniel
8. Adult Great Dane
9. Beagles
10. Bull Terriers
11. Akita
12. Adult Chihuahua 

  Many people are apprehensive about leaving their dog at a kennel to be trained. They have heard stories about abuse and neglect, so many trainers advise against it. While it may be true that there have been isolated incidents where dogs were not treated properly at a particular kennel, or the trainer was too hard on a dog, the reality is training the dog at a reputable establishment such as K9 Enforcement is very beneficial. Young dogs can suffer from separation anxiety the first time they are boarded when their owners go on vacation, so having the dog trained while they're away gives them the confidence and independence they need to maintain themselves when something unexpected comes up. The dog will fare well, instead of being stressed during their owners’ absence.
  Many trainers with ten years experience or less will recommend against in-kennel programs. They have limited experience themselves, and buy into the theory that the person has to train the dog with their trainer or else he/she won't listen properly. They haven’t been around long enough to know that for many years this has been a common and very successful method. Hunting dogs are traditionally trained this way, so the owner, who has limited free time to run around in the woods with his dog, can enjoy hunting when they do have free time. The dog stays at the hunting dog kennel for many weeks to learn the skills he needs to give his owner the thrill of the sport. I'm sure these facilities provide excellent care; otherwise they would not be in business for so many years, which, of course, they have been.  

  I've never met a blind person who trained their own guide dog! Every single guide dog for the blind was trained at a professional kennel that specializes in this work. And those dog owners in particular, place their lives in the hands of these trainers. Can you imagine if those crazy stories were true, what would happen to the thousands of blind people who rely on their dogs every day?! They could get hit by a car crossing the street, or worse! 

  What about the dogs in Hollywood. Does anyone really believe that Timmy trained Lassie?! See my point? Lassie listened to every word that Timmy said, not because she (actually, all the Lassie's were Laddies!) loved him, but because she was trained by a Professional! In the movie business, time is money. The dog must be super trained, so he/she can perform the feat without a bunch of takes. This requires a dog trained by a professional, not the owner, or actor!

  Dog training is one of the few endeavors where the student instantly becomes the teacher. They, the dog owners, when starting training, will listen to the trainer (as a student) and then attempt to train the dog (as a teacher). Although this method works, having the trainer teach your dog first is better, much better!

 Why, because the dog will not be confused with your lack of proper timing and skill, and will learn easier, and with less stress. Once the dog understands commands from the trainer, and can perform the basics, heel, sit, down, stay, and come, the trainer can show them how he trained the dog, and how they should handle him. He can demonstrate the various commands with they're own dog, which will give them the confidence to successfully train and improve him in time. Because the dog has had an excellent foundation, he is under control, enjoys his work, and the owner knows he has the ability to obey, having seen it with the trainer. This system allows them to enjoy the dog so much more, because the dog is now reliable and predictable. Look, people drive their cars everyday, but they don't have to fix their vehicles themselves! That's why there are auto service centers, so the car/truck will run reliable, and they can depend on it. Give the professional trainer some credit. It's their career, and most of them take pride in what they do. And they are there for dog lovers and their best friend, to provide them with the help they need and develop a wonderful pet that is obedient and a pleasure to live with.

So, if people are looking to get the most out of their dogs - their extended family, they should provide them with the same quality of education they want for their children. Here at K9 Enforcement Training Academy our Board and Train Program provides the experience needed to give dog lovers the thrill of owning a well trained dog. 

Basic Obedience
Basic Obedience
Proverbs 19:20 "If you listen to advice and are willing to learn, one day you will be wise." (GNT)

Resident Dog Program (board and train)
15 days - $700.00 (you provide the food) Boarding is FREE
 Dog must be on frontline or advantix
or any other approved flea and tick preventative.

FACILITIES .MON.-FRI -$300.00 ... 5 lessons